SEAT S.A. Improves Production With Qlik

Qlik provides superior analytics and data handling, which makes a difference in SEAT S.A.’s production line and IT processes.

Image of a red sedan and grey SUV angled towards each other in a parking lot showcasing a sample of SEAT S.A. vehicles.

<24 Hours

data analysis time

Decisions can now be made based on real, up-to-date information.


production in all plants

Information provided by suppliers and equipment involved in the manufacturing process ensures the highest productivity levels.


in the manufacturing process

Communication has improved with suppliers and plants leading to more streamlined processes.


Big data

As a manufacturer and seller of a large quantity of cars, SEAT S.A. has a huge amount of data integrated into its operational processes. Currently, the company exports over 80% of its vehicles and can be found in 75 countries around the world. Its activities involve over 15,000 professionals across three production centers in Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat and Martorell. Data exchanges between different company departments and suppliers were essential for operational efficiency.

Image showcasing a SEAT S.A. SUV vehicle with a picturesque view of sunset in the background.


Data matching and unification

SEAT S.A.'s first encounter with Qlik was through QlikView®, the first solution it implemented as part of the company’s digitalization and improvement process. However, as it discovered its benefits and functions, SEAT S.A.’s Production Planning and Control team wanted to do more, implementing Qlik Sense®, a solution that would be more dynamic and bring increased functionality to the company’s operations.

Qlik Sense was implemented with transparency together with Mercanza – an integrator specialized in these solutions. As the organization already had QlikView, this process was very smooth. SEAT S.A.’s approach to rolling out the solution was a learning process through practice, working on use cases or improvements and implementing them in tandem while resolving concerns in real time. Learning about the tool and its adoption took place while these improvements were implemented.

A team of professionals gather in a conference room for discussion to increase functionality to the company’s operations.


Integrated, organized and efficient working

One of the main benefits of the tool is the autonomy it provides, making it easier for different departments within the company to access specific information. It has made a real difference, providing the option to search for the data that the departments need, when they need it. The production, logistics and quality departments have benefited most from the tool as collaborative work has improved due to data fluidity and the immediate availability of data.

Cross-checking data with other departments and even other organizations is another one of Qlik Sense’s significant benefits, allowing various departments to track the status of each stage of the production process. This has not only transformed processes, but the team’s mentality as well.

All these benefits have had a huge impact on the way in which SEAT S.A. operates, providing the support that the company needs. For SEAT S.A., the future looks promising, with an intelligent data structure that lays the foundations for potential improvements such as cloud integration and any other updates that may be required.

A large warehouse that houses an assembly line of robotics assembling vehicles for SEAT S.A.


Autonomy to deal with any crisis

Qlik has been most helpful in times of crisis. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the technology helped manage the semiconductor shortage crisis as the information gathered and analyzed by the company was useful in helping to better organize the production process. “Thanks to Qlik Sense, we can analyze needs and equipment delivery forecasts on a daily basis, so that we can re-organize and maximize production,” says Josep Castuera Rabell, Engineering and Production Planning and Control Manager, SEAT S.A.

A woman driving a vehicle and smiling at her child holding a purple teddy bear sitting in the back of a vehicle.
SEAT S.A. logo
We can now match very accurate information, analyze it and make the most objective decision to see the impact of other processes on production planning and control.
Josep Castuera Rabell
Engineering and Production Planning and Control Manager, SEAT S.A.

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