Already signed up for training?
Go further with our packaged end-to-end
training solutions
Ensure all your people reach their learning potential at the best value with our holistic and diverse packaged training solutions. Pair the solid foundation of live instructor-led training your leaders want with a 12-month subscription to all the self-paced Qlik online courses your learners want. And satisfy everyone. All courses are available by user role.

Navigating a budget shortfall? Maximize training return with a role-based package.
Business Analyst Subscription Package
Learn how to build powerful, clean, dashboards with cutting-edge visualizations. That's what our targeted combination of instructor-led expertise and self-paced online learning delivers. Choose in-person or virtual options for your instructor-led class while leveraging the Continuous Classroom for on demand learning needs.
Data Architect Subscription Package
Expand your knowledge for creating optimized data models, transforming data and sourcing data from different data sources. Choose in-person or virtual options for your instructor-led class while leveraging Continuous Classroom for your on-demand learning needs.
Corporate Pricing for Packages Available
Invite all your employees under the same learning umbrella and accelerate the return on your training investment. Pay once to give all your employees full-year access to the Qlik Continuous Classroom.
Frequently Asked Questions
Registration and Cancellation
If you know which class you want to attend, access our Training registration page. Watch this video to help you register for a class.
If you are not sure which class to take and would like the recommendations, visit our Training Recommendations for role-based course recommendations.
Watch our video which will show you how to:
Search for training
Register yourself for training
Register a group of people or on behalf of someone
Pay for a training class
Assign/unassign students for a group training session
If you still need assistance, please contact us.
Visit our Training Recommendations for role-based course recommendations. Our Course Catalog can be found on these pages as well.
If you still need assistance, please contact us.
Please log in to My Training using your Qlik account. The My Training page will allow you to:
Check your registration status
View your learning history
Fill in class evaluation survey
Retrieve your course certificate
Assign/change/unassign students for group registrations
Our cancellation Policy is highlighted on our Product Terms page in ‘Education Services Terms’.
Payment Options
Payment options include invoice, Training Card or Credit Card (for customers located in the USA or Canada).
You will be asked to select your payment method at the checkout page in our Training Operations System.
Please watch this video if you have questions on how to complete payment at the registration.
Training Card Information
A Training Card is a pre-paid card with a monetary value, like a gift card. You can redeem the money for most Qlik training products* in the country of purchase within 12 months of the purchase date. This provides you with an initial investment in training and the flexibility to apply it as you need it throughout your project. You do not need to schedule training prior to purchasing a Training Card.
*Training Cards cannot be applied to Certifications.
Please contact us to purchase or ask questions about Training Card.
You can apply your Training Card at the checkout page in our Training Operations System for:
Continuous Classroom individual subscriptions
Training packages
Classroom or virtual classroom
Please watch this video if you have questions on how to complete payment at the registration.
Contact us if you want to use your Training Card for:
Private training
Corporate Continuous Classroom Subscriptions
Note: Payment of Training Card must be received to use. If payment has not been received your class registration may be cancelled.
Please contact us.