Corporate Responsibility

QlikWorld – Where the Data and Analytics World Comes Together, Sustainably

This year’s event expands on Qlik’s commitment to Race to Zer0, injecting sustainability efforts across the entire event lifecycle

Headshot of blog author Julie Kae wearing a black blouse and sporting blonde shoulder-length hair.

Julie Kae

3 min read

Organizations who are truly committed to sustainable practices follow a common arc.

First efforts are usually focused on internal practices – how can we operate in a more sustainable way with and through employees. Reducing single use plastic, encouraging alternative transportation with lower carbon emissions, supporting local Earth Day efforts – these are all great first steps. That usually moves into a second phase, which is how to be more proactive in overall business practices – tracking airline miles and committing to carbon offsets, leveraging SaaS software services wherever possible, reducing or consolidating office space are all focus areas.

But after those larger, more obvious issues are addressed, organizations that want to advance sustainable business look outside their walls to how their partners and larger ecosystem are operating.

At Qlik we started on this third phase with our QlikWorld tour last year. With our Greener Events App, we focused on putting the same data sustainability strategies we have designed with leaders like the United Nations and C40 Cities into action ourselves. The partnership between Qlik’s Sustainability team and Qlik Marketing delivered a series of 33 events across the globe that measured both travel and on-site strategies to achieve a carbon neutral tour.

We’re taking the lessons from QlikWorld tour and bringing them to life at our upcoming QlikWorld annual customer and partner event in Las Vegas, April 17-20. Working with our venue host Mandalay Bay, with help from industry leader Climate Vault, we have designed an experience that have as low an impact as possible. Recycled booth materials, digital maps and brochures, LED lighting, zero single use plastics and a leftover food donation program will all be in place for QlikWorld.

Beyond our physical efforts, we have an incredible lineup of sustainable themed content as well.

  • NGO partners Direct Relief, C40 Cities and the United Nations will be sharing their best practices in various breakout sessions. (Great preview here from Prof. Sally Eaves!)

  • We will also be hosting multiple demos of our SaaS CO2, UN Travel CO2, Events CO2 dashboards at our Sustainable expo hall both, where you can also learn more about the MGM sustainability programs.

  • And don’t forget that QlikWorld week is also Earth Week! We will be asking event guests to join us in various activities like Meatless Monday, committing to zero plastic, pledging to recycle lanyards, and remembering to turn lights out in rooms when they leave – all of which will be shared through the event mobile app.

  • Social Sustainability is important as well so excited to host a DE&I breakfast at QlikWorld on April 19th,

We’re excited about this evolution in our ability to act more sustainably while also bringing our incredible customer and partner universe together. We look forward to an amazing and sustainable event and will share the results after QlikWorld!

We're bringing our work with leading NGOs to live to make #QlikWorld a truly sustainable event!

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